Quiz 1
(General Principles & Force Vector)
1.  The subject of mechanics deals with what happens to a body when ______ is / are applied to it.
    A) magnetic field                         B) heat                      C)  forces
    D) neutrons                                  E) lasers
2.   ________________ still remains the basis of most of today’s engineering sciences.
  A) Newtonian Mechanics                        B) Relativistic Mechanics
  C) Greek Mechanics                 C) Euclidean Mechanics
3. Choose the right statement about  Newton’s Second Law
  1. “A particle acted upon by an unbalanced force F experiences an acceleration a that has the same direction as the force and a magnitude that is directly proportional to the force”.
  2. “The mutual forces of action and reaction between two particles are equal and, opposite and collinear”.
  3. “A particle originally at rest, or moving in a straight line with constant velocity, will remain in this state provided that the particle is not subjected to an unbalanced force”.
4. For a static’s problem your calculations show the final answer as 12345.6 N. What will you write as your final answer?
    A) 12345.6 N      B) 12.3 kN kN      C) 12 kN
    D) 12.3456 kN    E) 123 kN
5. For vector addition, you have to use ______ law.
   A) Newton’s Second          B) the arithmetic
  C) Pascal’s                         D) the parallelogram
6. Resolve F along x and y axes and write it in vector form. F = { ___________ } N
   A) 80 cos (30°) i    80 sin (30°)  j                B) 80 sin (30°)  i  +  80 cos (30°)  j
   C) 80 sin (30°)  i     80 cos (30°)  j              D) 80 cos (30°)  i  +  80 sin (30°)  j

7. Determine the magnitude of the resultant (F1 + F2) force in N when  F1={ 10i + 20j }N and F2={ 20i + 20j } N .
   A) 30  N                 B) 40  N               C) 50 N
   D) 60  N                 E) 70  N

8. Vector algebra, as  we are going to use it, is based on a ___________ coordinate system.
    A) Euclidean     B) Left-handed
    C) Greek           D) Right-handed   E) Egyptian

9.  If  F = {10 i + 10 j + 10 k}N and G = {20 i + 20 j + 20 k }N,  then F + G = { ____ } N
       A) 10 i + 10 j + 10 k                            B) 30 i + 20 j + 30 k
       C) – 10 i – 10 j – 10 k                         D) 30 i + 30 j + 30 k

10. Two points in 3 – D space have coordinates of  P (1, 2, 3) and Q (4, 5, 6) meters. The position vector rQP  is given by
A) {3 i   +  3 j  +  3  k} m        B) {– 3 i    3 j    3 k} m
C) {5 i  +  7 j  +  9 k} m          D) {– 3 i  +  3 j  +  3 k} m            E) {4 i  +  5 j  +   6 k} m

Quiz 2
1. When a particle is in equilibrium, the  sum of forces acting on it equals ___ .  (Choose the most appropriate answer)
A) A constant                  B) A positive number      C) Zero   
D) A negative number     E) An integer
2. For a frictionless pulley and cable, tensions in the cables are related as
A) T1 > T2                     B) T1 = T2
C) T1 < T2                     D) T1 = T2 sin q
3. Assuming you know the geometry of the ropes, you cannot determine the forces in the cables in which system below?
4. Why?
A) The weight is too heavy.
B) The cables are too thin.
C) There are more unknowns than equations.
D) There are too few cables for a 100 kg weight.

5. Select the correct FBD of particle A.
6.  One of the assumptions used when analyzing a simple truss is that the members are joined together by __________.
A)        Welding                  B)  Bolting             
     C)  Riveting                       D)  Smooth pins
7. When using the method of joints, typically _________ equations of equilibrium are applied at every joint.
A) Two                              B)   Three
C) Four                             D)   Six
8.   For this truss, determine the number of zero-force members.

A)      0                       B)   1                       C)   2
     D)  3                          E)   4
9.   Truss ABC is changed by decreasing its height from H  to 0.9 H.  Width W and load P are kept the same. Which one of the following statements is true for the revised truss as compared to the original truss?
A)  Force in all its members have decreased.
B)  Force in all its members have increased.
C)  Force in all its members have remained the same.
D)  None of the above.

10.  Using this FBD, you find that FBC = – 500 N. Member BC must be in __________.
A)      Compression
B)      Tension                                                                                                                                    
C)      Cannot be determined

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